Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2010/2011 Premiership Countdown: Bolton Wanderers

Bolton endured another struggling season, but was safe for premierhship stay at the end thanks to the arrival of Burnley highly-rated manager Owen Coyle during January. Before his appointment, the team was generally weak on the creativity area without funds to acquire talents and relied heavily on the height and power of strikes Kevin Davies and Elmander. Upon his appointment, Coyle intelligently loaned in Arsenal, future English sensation AMF Wilshere and Chelsea young winger Weiss. Now, with both youngsters returned to their orginal teams, Bolton could face the same old problem. Fortunately, Bolton has successfully made a key free-agent signing in ex-Man. City Bulgarian winger Martin Petrov, who could turn out to be one of the signings of the season. Although the team has several under-rated domestic talents such as CB Gary Cahill, DMF Muamba, LWB Matthew Taylor as well as Korean future hope RW Le Chung-Yong, they still do not have a graruntee 10+ goal scorer. Unless the team can get in a high quality striker, they will continue to struggle and hardly could reach mid-table.

Strongest line-up: <4-4-2>


Steinsson Cahill Knight Taylor

Lee Chung-Yong Muamba Davis M.Petrov
Davies Elmander

Prediction: Survival

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